Wednesday 23 October 2013

Hair Tips To Overcome Problems of Muslim woman in full Hijab.

Hair Care Tips was kept
1. Wash hair regularly
2. Choose a shampoo that is appropriate to the character of hair. 3. Now, it has been available products hijabi special shampoo.
4. Use moisturizing hair (conditioner) after wash. Please note the use of conditioner should not be done every day because it will easily lead to hair limp.
5. If possible, use a vitamin, cream bath or hair tonic at least 2 weeks in order to maintain the quality of hair. This can be done by yourself or go to a salon.
6. Diligent combing hair (3 times a day). By combing the hair as well as doing pemijitan scalp, which means it can help smooth blood circulation Use a wide-toothed plastic comb Avoid draw the line of separation is only on one side, because the loss can begin at the line of separation
6. Avoid tying the hair with a tight bond, especially by using a rubber band. This will result in trauma to the hair. Use the fabric-covered hair band to tie your hair. Do not let hair tied continues.
7. Avoid wearing the veil / hijab hair while wet. Because it will increase the moisture content of hair that causes hair to fall out. Because if wet, damp hair will be also cause odor. Use Hair Dryer (Hair Dryer) or fan to help dry.

"Rambut Kita Aurat Kita"


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