Wednesday 23 October 2013

Care For Rebonded Hair!!

Rebonded hair needs a lot more care than regular hair. Due to all the chemical treatments it has undergone, it requires constant care and protection from damage.

Here I am listing some tips to take care of rebounded hair

1. Do not wet your hair for three days after the procedure. Yes, it means greasy hair and no swimming. The chemicals have to seep in and settle.

2. Do not tie your hair or put it on the back of your ears. The hair will be in a state where it acquires a shape.

3. When you sleep, make sure your hair is straight. You don’t want to wake up to weird shaped hair.

4. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner after three days. Leave the conditioner on your hair for extra minutes.

5. Do not mess with your hair for at least six months – that means no hair coloring, no streaks, no highlighting. Your hair needs to relax after the high dose of straightening chemicals.

6. Use cold water to wash your hair. Hot water will rob it of its moisture.

7. If your hair is not really greasy or oily, stay away from shampooing every day. You can try alternate days or try co-washing which means using conditioner as a shampoo and just rinsing it away.

8. Use a leave in conditioner. This helps in retaining the moisture and keeps dryness and frizz away.

9. In case you wet your hair due to rain, wash your hair like a regular wash as soon as possible. The salts and pollutants from rain water are highly damaging.

10. Follow a nutritious diet. A good diet consists of nuts, cashews, almonds and lots of fruits and vegetables. These are known to promote healthy hair.

-El Ayesha Salon- :)

1 comment:

  1. What if I wake up with weird shape on my hair and it is only the second day?
